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The SC ACHE Board Members recently met to discuss SC ACHE's 2023-2025 strategic plan. The top priority being to provide more face-to-face credit opportunities and networking events. Additionally, they are committed to promoting events that encourage engagement with all members.

Featured left to right back row:Temitope Ayeni, FACHE, CDFM-AMarc J. Miller MBA, FACMPE, FACHEZahi R. Jurdi, DHAKapri Kreps Rhodes, MBAKolby Redd, PhD, MHA, FACHEChris ReesDonald M. Peace, Ph.D., FACHEDennis Coker
Featured left to right front row: Tara PowellCassie CraddockKaren Schwartz, FACHEDivya Reddy, MPH, FACHESshune Houston Rhodes, MHA, FACHE


Low County Chapter of SC ACHE hosted a networking event on 1/30/2024 with a panel of experts discussing the topic of the recent surge in merger and acquisition activity and how healthcare leaders must be prepared to lead their organization through this transition.

Panelists (Featured in photo 2 eft to right):

·Anthony Powell - Managing Director, Knowledge Capital Group

Dunc Williams, Jr., PhD - Associate Professor of Health Financial Management, College of Health Professions - MUSC

Kevin Hoak, MHA - Senior VP and Chief Operating Officer, Roper St. Francis Healthcare


In collaboration with SCHA, SC ACHE included a 3-hour program offering continuing education credits for participants at the Better State of Health Summit on 12/5/2023. The topic presented: focus on Managing and Optimizing the Human Margin by Dr. Katherine A. Meese, PhD (featured in top picture).


SC ACHE Midlands presented a lunch and learn meeting hosted at the South Carolina Hospital Associationon 2/15/24. During the educational luncheon Rozalynn Goodwin and Allan Stalvey presented on topics regarding healthcare advocacy and current legislation being discussed within our great state.

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